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Auction archive: Lot number 92

A fine "Paisley" shawl, the centre woven with a black stellar medallion, the ends with a pair of cones forming a large U shape infilled with palmettes and vegetation-- 154 x 360cm., circa 1860

Auction 04.03.1997
4 Mar 1997
£400 - £600
ca. US$643 - US$964
Price realised:
ca. US$887
Auction archive: Lot number 92

A fine "Paisley" shawl, the centre woven with a black stellar medallion, the ends with a pair of cones forming a large U shape infilled with palmettes and vegetation-- 154 x 360cm., circa 1860

Auction 04.03.1997
4 Mar 1997
£400 - £600
ca. US$643 - US$964
Price realised:
ca. US$887

A fine "Paisley" shawl, the centre woven with a black stellar medallion, the ends with a pair of cones forming a large U shape infilled with palmettes and vegetation-- 154 x 360cm., circa 1860 See Illustration

Auction archive: Lot number 92
4 Mar 1997
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A fine "Paisley" shawl, the centre woven with a black stellar medallion, the ends with a pair of cones forming a large U shape infilled with palmettes and vegetation-- 154 x 360cm., circa 1860 See Illustration

Auction archive: Lot number 92
4 Mar 1997
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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