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Auction archive: Lot number 451

A MEISSEN PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER, gilt and painted in colours with various Teniers scenes within rocaille cartouches and sprays of Deutsche Blumen , the cup with two cartouches depicting peasants at various pursuits, the handle as a branch terminat...

Auction 12.05.1993
12 May 1993
NLG2,000 - NLG3,000
ca. US$1,109 - US$1,663
Price realised:
ca. US$1,148
Auction archive: Lot number 451

A MEISSEN PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER, gilt and painted in colours with various Teniers scenes within rocaille cartouches and sprays of Deutsche Blumen , the cup with two cartouches depicting peasants at various pursuits, the handle as a branch terminat...

Auction 12.05.1993
12 May 1993
NLG2,000 - NLG3,000
ca. US$1,109 - US$1,663
Price realised:
ca. US$1,148

A MEISSEN PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER, gilt and painted in colours with various Teniers scenes within rocaille cartouches and sprays of Deutsche Blumen , the cup with two cartouches depicting peasants at various pursuits, the handle as a branch terminating in a floral branch, the saucer en suite with peasant and floral cartouches (tiny chip to edge saucer), marked in underglaze blue with crossed swords, circa 1750

Auction archive: Lot number 451
12 May 1993
Auction house:

A MEISSEN PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER, gilt and painted in colours with various Teniers scenes within rocaille cartouches and sprays of Deutsche Blumen , the cup with two cartouches depicting peasants at various pursuits, the handle as a branch terminating in a floral branch, the saucer en suite with peasant and floral cartouches (tiny chip to edge saucer), marked in underglaze blue with crossed swords, circa 1750

Auction archive: Lot number 451
12 May 1993
Auction house:
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