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Auction archive: Lot number 294

A MEISSEN RECTANGULAR TEA-CADDY and a cover, the long sides with vignettes of a gentleman toasting his companion and a gentleman giving his companion a trinket, the short sides with a lady scared by a mouse and a Pierrot with a child on leading reins...

Auction 16.11.1992
16 Nov 1992
CHF5,000 - CHF6,000
ca. US$3,497 - US$4,197
Price realised:
ca. US$3,557
Auction archive: Lot number 294

A MEISSEN RECTANGULAR TEA-CADDY and a cover, the long sides with vignettes of a gentleman toasting his companion and a gentleman giving his companion a trinket, the short sides with a lady scared by a mouse and a Pierrot with a child on leading reins...

Auction 16.11.1992
16 Nov 1992
CHF5,000 - CHF6,000
ca. US$3,497 - US$4,197
Price realised:
ca. US$3,557

A MEISSEN RECTANGULAR TEA-CADDY and a cover, the long sides with vignettes of a gentleman toasting his companion and a gentleman giving his companion a trinket, the short sides with a lady scared by a mouse and a Pierrot with a child on leading reins, the shoulders with Holzschnitt Blumen , blue crossed swords mark, circa 1745 13cm. high overall (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 294
16 Nov 1992
Auction house:

A MEISSEN RECTANGULAR TEA-CADDY and a cover, the long sides with vignettes of a gentleman toasting his companion and a gentleman giving his companion a trinket, the short sides with a lady scared by a mouse and a Pierrot with a child on leading reins, the shoulders with Holzschnitt Blumen , blue crossed swords mark, circa 1745 13cm. high overall (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 294
16 Nov 1992
Auction house:
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