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Auction archive: Lot number 144

A PAIR OF ROMAN GOLD AND GARNET EARRINGS, the hoop decorated with two rows of gold spheres and a single garnet, with a rigid hollow box-like pendant terminating in a cluster of five gold spheres, 1 5/8in. (4.2cm.) long; a pair of gold earrings, the h...

Auction 07.12.1994
7 Dec 1994
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,246 - US$1,870
Price realised:
ca. US$2,509
Auction archive: Lot number 144

A PAIR OF ROMAN GOLD AND GARNET EARRINGS, the hoop decorated with two rows of gold spheres and a single garnet, with a rigid hollow box-like pendant terminating in a cluster of five gold spheres, 1 5/8in. (4.2cm.) long; a pair of gold earrings, the h...

Auction 07.12.1994
7 Dec 1994
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,246 - US$1,870
Price realised:
ca. US$2,509

A PAIR OF ROMAN GOLD AND GARNET EARRINGS, the hoop decorated with two rows of gold spheres and a single garnet, with a rigid hollow box-like pendant terminating in a cluster of five gold spheres, 1 5/8in. (4.2cm.) long; a pair of gold earrings, the hoop with twisted wire borders and a convex disc, the rigid cluster pendant of gold spheres and granules, 1¼in. (3.1cm.) long max.; and another pair of gold earrings, the hoop with a large circular disc and four large gold spheres forming the pendant, connected to the hoop by a ribbed collar, 1 7/8in. (4.7cm.) long max., all 2nd Century A.D. (6)

Auction archive: Lot number 144
7 Dec 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street

A PAIR OF ROMAN GOLD AND GARNET EARRINGS, the hoop decorated with two rows of gold spheres and a single garnet, with a rigid hollow box-like pendant terminating in a cluster of five gold spheres, 1 5/8in. (4.2cm.) long; a pair of gold earrings, the hoop with twisted wire borders and a convex disc, the rigid cluster pendant of gold spheres and granules, 1¼in. (3.1cm.) long max.; and another pair of gold earrings, the hoop with a large circular disc and four large gold spheres forming the pendant, connected to the hoop by a ribbed collar, 1 7/8in. (4.7cm.) long max., all 2nd Century A.D. (6)

Auction archive: Lot number 144
7 Dec 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street
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