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Auction archive: Lot number 206

A ROMAN OLIVE-GREEN GLASS FLASK, the rounded body with cylindrical neck and inward-folded collared rim, three pairs of wheel-cut bands encircle the body, with deeper groove in the centre of the middle band; a pale glass flask, the rounded body with t...

Auction 11.06.1997
11 Jun 1997
£300 - £500
ca. US$493 - US$822
Price realised:
ca. US$1,134
Auction archive: Lot number 206

A ROMAN OLIVE-GREEN GLASS FLASK, the rounded body with cylindrical neck and inward-folded collared rim, three pairs of wheel-cut bands encircle the body, with deeper groove in the centre of the middle band; a pale glass flask, the rounded body with t...

Auction 11.06.1997
11 Jun 1997
£300 - £500
ca. US$493 - US$822
Price realised:
ca. US$1,134

A ROMAN OLIVE-GREEN GLASS FLASK, the rounded body with cylindrical neck and inward-folded collared rim, three pairs of wheel-cut bands encircle the body, with deeper groove in the centre of the middle band; a pale glass flask, the rounded body with tapering vertical ribs, flaring neck, iridescence with encrustation -- both 4¾in. (12cm.) high; a pale glass unguentarium with squat conical body and tall cylindrical neck, everted inward-folded rim, concave base, gold iridescence -- 6in. (15.2cm.) high; another with bulbous body tapering to cylindrical neck, purple-silver iridescence within -- 4 1/8in. (10.5cm.) high; and three miniature unguentaria of yellow, dark and pale green glass -- 3in. (7.5cm.) high max., all 1st-2nd Century A.D. (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 206
11 Jun 1997
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A ROMAN OLIVE-GREEN GLASS FLASK, the rounded body with cylindrical neck and inward-folded collared rim, three pairs of wheel-cut bands encircle the body, with deeper groove in the centre of the middle band; a pale glass flask, the rounded body with tapering vertical ribs, flaring neck, iridescence with encrustation -- both 4¾in. (12cm.) high; a pale glass unguentarium with squat conical body and tall cylindrical neck, everted inward-folded rim, concave base, gold iridescence -- 6in. (15.2cm.) high; another with bulbous body tapering to cylindrical neck, purple-silver iridescence within -- 4 1/8in. (10.5cm.) high; and three miniature unguentaria of yellow, dark and pale green glass -- 3in. (7.5cm.) high max., all 1st-2nd Century A.D. (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 206
11 Jun 1997
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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