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Auction archive: Lot number 13

Albert Heinrich Hussmann (German, 1874-1946): A bronze model of an Olympic horse and rider

Sporting Art
15 Sep 2009
£2,500 - £3,500
ca. US$4,084 - US$5,718
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 13

Albert Heinrich Hussmann (German, 1874-1946): A bronze model of an Olympic horse and rider

Sporting Art
15 Sep 2009
£2,500 - £3,500
ca. US$4,084 - US$5,718
Price realised:
n. a.

the male rider nude and wearing a laurel wreath headdress, on a bronze rectangular stepped plinth signed A. Hussmann fec. and stamped to the back AKT. GESV. H. GLADENBECK U. SOHN, brown patination, 63cm high

Auction archive: Lot number 13
15 Sep 2009
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, Knightsbridge Montpelier Street Knightsbridge London SW7 1HH Tel: +44 20 7393 3900 Fax : +44 20 7393 3905

the male rider nude and wearing a laurel wreath headdress, on a bronze rectangular stepped plinth signed A. Hussmann fec. and stamped to the back AKT. GESV. H. GLADENBECK U. SOHN, brown patination, 63cm high

Auction archive: Lot number 13
15 Sep 2009
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, Knightsbridge Montpelier Street Knightsbridge London SW7 1HH Tel: +44 20 7393 3900 Fax : +44 20 7393 3905
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