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Auction archive: Lot number 219

An ivory silk shawl , the field printed with small cones, the borders with stylised flowers and festoons against a pink ground-- 134 x 68in. (335 x 170cm.) ; another very similar with a green ground outer border; another, the field printed with natur...

Auction 07.09.1999
7 Sep 1999
£220 - £280
ca. US$357 - US$454
Price realised:
ca. US$597
Auction archive: Lot number 219

An ivory silk shawl , the field printed with small cones, the borders with stylised flowers and festoons against a pink ground-- 134 x 68in. (335 x 170cm.) ; another very similar with a green ground outer border; another, the field printed with natur...

Auction 07.09.1999
7 Sep 1999
£220 - £280
ca. US$357 - US$454
Price realised:
ca. US$597

An ivory silk shawl , the field printed with small cones, the borders with stylised flowers and festoons against a pink ground-- 134 x 68in. (335 x 170cm.) ; another very similar with a green ground outer border; another, the field printed with naturalistic flower trails and cones-- 70 x 132in. (175 x 330cm.) ; and another of printed wool, all mid 19th century (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 219
7 Sep 1999
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An ivory silk shawl , the field printed with small cones, the borders with stylised flowers and festoons against a pink ground-- 134 x 68in. (335 x 170cm.) ; another very similar with a green ground outer border; another, the field printed with naturalistic flower trails and cones-- 70 x 132in. (175 x 330cm.) ; and another of printed wool, all mid 19th century (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 219
7 Sep 1999
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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