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Auction archive: Lot number 55

Greene (Graham) The Virtue of Disloyalty, one of 300 copies, 1972; and 19 others by the same (20)

£200 - £300
ca. US$248 - US$373
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 55

Greene (Graham) The Virtue of Disloyalty, one of 300 copies, 1972; and 19 others by the same (20)

£200 - £300
ca. US$248 - US$373
Price realised:
n. a.

Greene (Graham) The Virtue of Disloyalty, one of 300 copies, original wrappers, 1972; The End of the Affair, jacket spine chipped and torn, repairs to verso, spine browned, 1951; The Quiet American, jacket spine browned, spine ends and corners a little chipped, 1955; Travels with My Aunt, jacket spine slightly toned, spine ends and corners chipped, 1969 § Greene (Graham) and Hugh Greene. The Spy's Bedside Book, jacket spine faded, rubbed at head and foot, 1957, first editions, all but the first in original cloth and dust-jackets; and 15 others by the same, 8vo (20)

Auction archive: Lot number 55
30 Apr 2020
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640

Greene (Graham) The Virtue of Disloyalty, one of 300 copies, original wrappers, 1972; The End of the Affair, jacket spine chipped and torn, repairs to verso, spine browned, 1951; The Quiet American, jacket spine browned, spine ends and corners a little chipped, 1955; Travels with My Aunt, jacket spine slightly toned, spine ends and corners chipped, 1969 § Greene (Graham) and Hugh Greene. The Spy's Bedside Book, jacket spine faded, rubbed at head and foot, 1957, first editions, all but the first in original cloth and dust-jackets; and 15 others by the same, 8vo (20)

Auction archive: Lot number 55
30 Apr 2020
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640
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