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Auction archive: Lot number 109

MORANT, Philip (1700-70) The History and Antiquities of the...

£300 - £500
ca. US$460 - US$766
Price realised:
ca. US$288
Auction archive: Lot number 109

MORANT, Philip (1700-70) The History and Antiquities of the...

£300 - £500
ca. US$460 - US$766
Price realised:
ca. US$288

MORANT, Philip (1700-70). The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex ... this volume contains the Hundreds of Chelmsford, Witham, Lexden, Hinckford, Dunmow, Harlow, Froshwell, Utlesford, and Clavering. London: for T. Osborne (and others), 1763 [but with a second title dated 1766 and sectional titles dated 1764 and 1766]. One volume (?only). 2° (355 x 215mm). 4 folding engraved maps, 10 engraved plates, a few folding (first map severely torn, hole in one leaf (at p.159) with some loss, occasional light staining and browning). Contemporary calf, spine gilt (boards heavily rubbed). Provenance : Hodgson (armorial label) -- one-page autograph presentation letter from W. Blake Odgers to Dr. Bastram laid down at the front. cf. Upcott I, pp.224-228.
MORANT, Philip (1700-70). The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex ... this volume contains the Hundreds of Chelmsford, Witham, Lexden, Hinckford, Dunmow, Harlow, Froshwell, Utlesford, and Clavering. London: for T. Osborne (and others), 1763 [but with a second title dated 1766 and sectional titles dated 1764 and 1766]. One volume (?only). 2° (355 x 215mm). 4 folding engraved maps, 10 engraved plates, a few folding (first map severely torn, hole in one leaf (at p.159) with some loss, occasional light staining and browning). Contemporary calf, spine gilt (boards heavily rubbed). Provenance : Hodgson (armorial label) -- one-page autograph presentation letter from W. Blake Odgers to Dr. Bastram laid down at the front. cf. Upcott I, pp.224-228.

Auction archive: Lot number 109
13 Nov 2008
Auction house:
13 November 2008, London, South Kensington

MORANT, Philip (1700-70). The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex ... this volume contains the Hundreds of Chelmsford, Witham, Lexden, Hinckford, Dunmow, Harlow, Froshwell, Utlesford, and Clavering. London: for T. Osborne (and others), 1763 [but with a second title dated 1766 and sectional titles dated 1764 and 1766]. One volume (?only). 2° (355 x 215mm). 4 folding engraved maps, 10 engraved plates, a few folding (first map severely torn, hole in one leaf (at p.159) with some loss, occasional light staining and browning). Contemporary calf, spine gilt (boards heavily rubbed). Provenance : Hodgson (armorial label) -- one-page autograph presentation letter from W. Blake Odgers to Dr. Bastram laid down at the front. cf. Upcott I, pp.224-228.
MORANT, Philip (1700-70). The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex ... this volume contains the Hundreds of Chelmsford, Witham, Lexden, Hinckford, Dunmow, Harlow, Froshwell, Utlesford, and Clavering. London: for T. Osborne (and others), 1763 [but with a second title dated 1766 and sectional titles dated 1764 and 1766]. One volume (?only). 2° (355 x 215mm). 4 folding engraved maps, 10 engraved plates, a few folding (first map severely torn, hole in one leaf (at p.159) with some loss, occasional light staining and browning). Contemporary calf, spine gilt (boards heavily rubbed). Provenance : Hodgson (armorial label) -- one-page autograph presentation letter from W. Blake Odgers to Dr. Bastram laid down at the front. cf. Upcott I, pp.224-228.

Auction archive: Lot number 109
13 Nov 2008
Auction house:
13 November 2008, London, South Kensington
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