Auction archive: Lot number 9


Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 9


Price realised:

Pablo Picasso 1881 - 1973 NATURE MORTE AUX TULIPES Signed Picasso and dated XXXII (upper right); dated 2 Mars XXXII H 9 à 11 1/2 Hs on the stretcher Oil on canvas 51 1/8 by 38 3/4 in. 130 by 97 cm Painted on March 2, 1932.

Auction archive: Lot number 9

Pablo Picasso 1881 - 1973 NATURE MORTE AUX TULIPES Signed Picasso and dated XXXII (upper right); dated 2 Mars XXXII H 9 à 11 1/2 Hs on the stretcher Oil on canvas 51 1/8 by 38 3/4 in. 130 by 97 cm Painted on March 2, 1932.

Auction archive: Lot number 9
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