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Auction archive: Lot number 16

Tarocchi cards.- Murari (Guiglielmo, publisher) An incomplet tarocchi pack, Bari, 1892; and 17 others, by Murari, including 2 packs of 'No.15' (18)

Price realised:
ca. US$300
Auction archive: Lot number 16

Tarocchi cards.- Murari (Guiglielmo, publisher) An incomplet tarocchi pack, Bari, 1892; and 17 others, by Murari, including 2 packs of 'No.15' (18)

Price realised:
ca. US$300

Tarocchi cards.- Murari (Guiglielmo, publisher) An incomplete tarocchi pack, with 62 of 78 cards, including that bearing tax stamp, metalcut, stencilled colour, patterned backs, Bari, 1892; and 17 others, by Murari, most from the 1920s, including 2 packs of 'No.15' and a pack of 'no.85' (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 16
12 Dec 2018
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640

Tarocchi cards.- Murari (Guiglielmo, publisher) An incomplete tarocchi pack, with 62 of 78 cards, including that bearing tax stamp, metalcut, stencilled colour, patterned backs, Bari, 1892; and 17 others, by Murari, most from the 1920s, including 2 packs of 'No.15' and a pack of 'no.85' (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 16
12 Dec 2018
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640
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