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Auction archive: Lot number 40

1920's-30's Japanese Baseball Photo Collection "Fujita Album D"

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 40

1920's-30's Japanese Baseball Photo Collection "Fujita Album D"

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:

1920's-30's Japanese Baseball Photo Collection "Fujita Album D" This Album of 146 photographs 121 of which are signed) contains a nice variety of university, club, and middle school player photos, many of the latter taken at Koshien Stadium. The collection includes autographed photos of 17 Japanese Hall of Famers: Date (4 examples), Fujimoto (2 examples), Hirooka, Kono, Kuji, Matsuki (2 examples), Miyatake, Nidegawa, Ono, Shima, Tobita, and Yokozawa. Teams represented include: Keio University, Meiji University, Rikkyo University, Hosei University, Waseda University, Tokyo Club, Sundai Club,Tomon Club, Mita Club, Matsuyama Commercial School, Naniwa Commercial School, Takamatsu Commercial School, Ichioka Middle School, and Kaginorin Middle School (mixed Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese). The majority of photos measure 3 by 4 1/4" and 3 1/4" by 3 1/4" by 4 1/2". Signatures average 8/10. LOAs from PSA/DNA and JSA.

Auction archive: Lot number 40
5 Jun 2007
Auction house:
New York

1920's-30's Japanese Baseball Photo Collection "Fujita Album D" This Album of 146 photographs 121 of which are signed) contains a nice variety of university, club, and middle school player photos, many of the latter taken at Koshien Stadium. The collection includes autographed photos of 17 Japanese Hall of Famers: Date (4 examples), Fujimoto (2 examples), Hirooka, Kono, Kuji, Matsuki (2 examples), Miyatake, Nidegawa, Ono, Shima, Tobita, and Yokozawa. Teams represented include: Keio University, Meiji University, Rikkyo University, Hosei University, Waseda University, Tokyo Club, Sundai Club,Tomon Club, Mita Club, Matsuyama Commercial School, Naniwa Commercial School, Takamatsu Commercial School, Ichioka Middle School, and Kaginorin Middle School (mixed Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese). The majority of photos measure 3 by 4 1/4" and 3 1/4" by 3 1/4" by 4 1/2". Signatures average 8/10. LOAs from PSA/DNA and JSA.

Auction archive: Lot number 40
5 Jun 2007
Auction house:
New York
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