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Auction archive: Lot number 185

A 19th century copper jelly mould, 12.5cm diam.; a 19th century copper funnel, inscribed RE ft. Dept. I.of.W R.LV; a Sheffield plate silver on copper chamber stick; a silver on copper two-handled mug, The Nottingham Electroplating Co. ; an Arts & Cra...

Price realised:
ca. US$46
Auction archive: Lot number 185

A 19th century copper jelly mould, 12.5cm diam.; a 19th century copper funnel, inscribed RE ft. Dept. I.of.W R.LV; a Sheffield plate silver on copper chamber stick; a silver on copper two-handled mug, The Nottingham Electroplating Co. ; an Arts & Cra...

Price realised:
ca. US$46

A 19th century copper jelly mould, 12.5cm diam.; a 19th century copper funnel, inscribed RE ft. Dept. I.of.W R.LV; a Sheffield plate silver on copper chamber stick; a silver on copper two-handled mug, The Nottingham Electroplating Co. ; an Arts & Crafts type circular tray, East West Hame's Best, 29cm; a hand made planished copped jug, 34cm ; etc (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 185
8 Dec 2021
Auction house:
Bamfords Auctioneers - The Derby Auction House
Chequers Road off Pentagon Island
Derby, DE21 6EN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1332 210 000

A 19th century copper jelly mould, 12.5cm diam.; a 19th century copper funnel, inscribed RE ft. Dept. I.of.W R.LV; a Sheffield plate silver on copper chamber stick; a silver on copper two-handled mug, The Nottingham Electroplating Co. ; an Arts & Crafts type circular tray, East West Hame's Best, 29cm; a hand made planished copped jug, 34cm ; etc (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 185
8 Dec 2021
Auction house:
Bamfords Auctioneers - The Derby Auction House
Chequers Road off Pentagon Island
Derby, DE21 6EN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1332 210 000
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