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Auction archive: Lot number 154

A 19th century unglazed Parian type swivel neck doll, of sma...

£200 - £300
ca. US$247 - US$371
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 154

A 19th century unglazed Parian type swivel neck doll, of sma...

£200 - £300
ca. US$247 - US$371
Price realised:
n. a.

A 19th century unglazed Parian type swivel neck doll, of small proportions, unmarked but attributed to Simon & Halbig (Germany), the unglazed head with blonde moulded hair and black painted bow, painted features including feathered brown eyebrows, fine eyelashes, blue eyes, red lips and blush red cheeks, partially stuffed cloth body with unglazed bisque type lower arms and lower legs, 21.5cm high; together with a brown faux leather domed top rectangular shaped travelling trunk, with a single lift out tray, the case housing various doll clothing, miniatures and accessories (quantity)

Auction archive: Lot number 154
21 Nov 2023
Auction house:
Bamfords Auctioneers - The Derby Auction House
Chequers Road off Pentagon Island
Derby, DE21 6EN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1332 210 000

A 19th century unglazed Parian type swivel neck doll, of small proportions, unmarked but attributed to Simon & Halbig (Germany), the unglazed head with blonde moulded hair and black painted bow, painted features including feathered brown eyebrows, fine eyelashes, blue eyes, red lips and blush red cheeks, partially stuffed cloth body with unglazed bisque type lower arms and lower legs, 21.5cm high; together with a brown faux leather domed top rectangular shaped travelling trunk, with a single lift out tray, the case housing various doll clothing, miniatures and accessories (quantity)

Auction archive: Lot number 154
21 Nov 2023
Auction house:
Bamfords Auctioneers - The Derby Auction House
Chequers Road off Pentagon Island
Derby, DE21 6EN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1332 210 000
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