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Auction archive: Lot number 690

A bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1954-55 (lacking outer covers); and a bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1957-58, including the programme for the match against Manchester United, 1st February 1958 which repr...

Auction 10.12.1998
10 Dec 1998
£100 - £150
ca. US$167 - US$250
Price realised:
ca. US$250
Auction archive: Lot number 690

A bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1954-55 (lacking outer covers); and a bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1957-58, including the programme for the match against Manchester United, 1st February 1958 which repr...

Auction 10.12.1998
10 Dec 1998
£100 - £150
ca. US$167 - US$250
Price realised:
ca. US$250

A bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1954-55 (lacking outer covers); and a bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1957-58, including the programme for the match against Manchester United, 1st February 1958 which represents the last league game prior to the Munich Air Disaster (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 690
10 Dec 1998
Auction house:

A bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1954-55 (lacking outer covers); and a bound volume of Arsenal home match programmes, season 1957-58, including the programme for the match against Manchester United, 1st February 1958 which represents the last league game prior to the Munich Air Disaster (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 690
10 Dec 1998
Auction house:
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