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Auction archive: Lot number 92

A Chinoiserie fan , painted with three chinese figures in a garden, a man reading and a mother and child, the ivory sticks carved and pierced with figures against a ladder-like ground - 11in.(28cm.), circa 1780 ; and a Dutch fan, painted with lovers ...

Auction 21.09.1999
21 Sep 1999
£200 - £300
ca. US$324 - US$487
Price realised:
ca. US$373
Auction archive: Lot number 92

A Chinoiserie fan , painted with three chinese figures in a garden, a man reading and a mother and child, the ivory sticks carved and pierced with figures against a ladder-like ground - 11in.(28cm.), circa 1780 ; and a Dutch fan, painted with lovers ...

Auction 21.09.1999
21 Sep 1999
£200 - £300
ca. US$324 - US$487
Price realised:
ca. US$373

A Chinoiserie fan , painted with three chinese figures in a garden, a man reading and a mother and child, the ivory sticks carved and pierced with figures against a ladder-like ground - 11in.(28cm.), circa 1780 ; and a Dutch fan, painted with lovers by a monument, the gentleman fishing, the lady playing the flute, with a chaperone and buildings beyond, the bone sticks pierced and silvered - 10.5in. (26cm.), circa 1780 (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 92
21 Sep 1999
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Chinoiserie fan , painted with three chinese figures in a garden, a man reading and a mother and child, the ivory sticks carved and pierced with figures against a ladder-like ground - 11in.(28cm.), circa 1780 ; and a Dutch fan, painted with lovers by a monument, the gentleman fishing, the lady playing the flute, with a chaperone and buildings beyond, the bone sticks pierced and silvered - 10.5in. (26cm.), circa 1780 (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 92
21 Sep 1999
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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