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Auction archive: Lot number 421

A famille verte saucer dish painted with a composite floral basket -- 6½in. (16.5m) diam; a plate with pie crust rim painted and gilt with figures in a garden -- 9 3/8in. (23.6cm) diam; a famille rose plate with a flower strewn garden -- 9in. (23cm) ...

Auction 14.11.1996
14 Nov 1996
£120 - £180
ca. US$199 - US$299
Price realised:
ca. US$285
Auction archive: Lot number 421

A famille verte saucer dish painted with a composite floral basket -- 6½in. (16.5m) diam; a plate with pie crust rim painted and gilt with figures in a garden -- 9 3/8in. (23.6cm) diam; a famille rose plate with a flower strewn garden -- 9in. (23cm) ...

Auction 14.11.1996
14 Nov 1996
£120 - £180
ca. US$199 - US$299
Price realised:
ca. US$285

A famille verte saucer dish painted with a composite floral basket -- 6½in. (16.5m) diam; a plate with pie crust rim painted and gilt with figures in a garden -- 9 3/8in. (23.6cm) diam; a famille rose plate with a flower strewn garden -- 9in. (23cm) diam; a foliate rimmed famille verte plate with a vase of flowers and precious objects -- 8 5/8in. (22cm) diam; an Imari shaped plate with figures in a horse drawn carriage -- 8½in. (21.5cm) diam; a dish with lotus, chrysanthemums, prunus and peonies -- 8 7/8in. (22.5cm) diam; and a blue and white dish with a central phoenix -- 8in. (20.2cm) diam, all 18th century . (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 421
14 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A famille verte saucer dish painted with a composite floral basket -- 6½in. (16.5m) diam; a plate with pie crust rim painted and gilt with figures in a garden -- 9 3/8in. (23.6cm) diam; a famille rose plate with a flower strewn garden -- 9in. (23cm) diam; a foliate rimmed famille verte plate with a vase of flowers and precious objects -- 8 5/8in. (22cm) diam; an Imari shaped plate with figures in a horse drawn carriage -- 8½in. (21.5cm) diam; a dish with lotus, chrysanthemums, prunus and peonies -- 8 7/8in. (22.5cm) diam; and a blue and white dish with a central phoenix -- 8in. (20.2cm) diam, all 18th century . (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 421
14 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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