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Auction archive: Lot number 135

A fan, the leaf a hand-coloured lithograph of Columbus presenting the Indians to the King and Queen upon his return, the mother of pearl sticks pierced - 9in., circa 1830; a black lace fan, with gauze insertions painted with a lady and putti, with to...

Auction 02.06.1992
2 Jun 1992
£700 - £970
ca. US$1,297 - US$1,797
Price realised:
ca. US$1,528
Auction archive: Lot number 135

A fan, the leaf a hand-coloured lithograph of Columbus presenting the Indians to the King and Queen upon his return, the mother of pearl sticks pierced - 9in., circa 1830; a black lace fan, with gauze insertions painted with a lady and putti, with to...

Auction 02.06.1992
2 Jun 1992
£700 - £970
ca. US$1,297 - US$1,797
Price realised:
ca. US$1,528

A fan, the leaf a hand-coloured lithograph of Columbus presenting the Indians to the King and Queen upon his return, the mother of pearl sticks pierced - 9in., circa 1830; a black lace fan, with gauze insertions painted with a lady and putti, with tortoiseshell sticks - 14in., circa 1890; a black lace fan, the gauze insertion painted with a lady indistinctly signed E.N... , with ivory sticks, one guardstick carved with trophies of music - 14in., circa 1890; a lithographic fan, the mother of pearl sticks of gothic shape - 10.5in., circa 1860; and three fans of palmette shape, two painted with lovers in 18th century dress, one signed J. Gascon (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 135
2 Jun 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A fan, the leaf a hand-coloured lithograph of Columbus presenting the Indians to the King and Queen upon his return, the mother of pearl sticks pierced - 9in., circa 1830; a black lace fan, with gauze insertions painted with a lady and putti, with tortoiseshell sticks - 14in., circa 1890; a black lace fan, the gauze insertion painted with a lady indistinctly signed E.N... , with ivory sticks, one guardstick carved with trophies of music - 14in., circa 1890; a lithographic fan, the mother of pearl sticks of gothic shape - 10.5in., circa 1860; and three fans of palmette shape, two painted with lovers in 18th century dress, one signed J. Gascon (7)

Auction archive: Lot number 135
2 Jun 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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