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Auction archive: Lot number 112

A fine singing bird box by Bruguier

£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$7,475 - US$11,213
Price realised:
ca. US$17,941
Auction archive: Lot number 112

A fine singing bird box by Bruguier

£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$7,475 - US$11,213
Price realised:
ca. US$17,941

A fine singing bird box by Bruguier
A fine singing bird box by Bruguier with fusee movement, the bird with multicoloured plumage, moving head, bone beak, wings and tail feather, body turning throughout birdsong, gilt metal feet and engraved and engine-turned grille with a bird surrounded by flowers and vines, lid enamelled with an extensive mountainous landscape with two figures, the interior with flowers on purple ground, in plain tortoiseshell case with hinged compartment at the back, fitted in maroon travelling case, with key - 3¾in. (9.7cm) wide

Auction archive: Lot number 112
31 May 2006
Auction house:
31 May 2006, London, South Kensington

A fine singing bird box by Bruguier
A fine singing bird box by Bruguier with fusee movement, the bird with multicoloured plumage, moving head, bone beak, wings and tail feather, body turning throughout birdsong, gilt metal feet and engraved and engine-turned grille with a bird surrounded by flowers and vines, lid enamelled with an extensive mountainous landscape with two figures, the interior with flowers on purple ground, in plain tortoiseshell case with hinged compartment at the back, fitted in maroon travelling case, with key - 3¾in. (9.7cm) wide

Auction archive: Lot number 112
31 May 2006
Auction house:
31 May 2006, London, South Kensington
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