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Auction archive: Lot number 297

A RED-PAINTED CHEST-OF-DRAWERS, New England, 18th century, the rectangular molded top above a conforming case fitted with a bolection molded long drawer over four graduated long drawers over a molded base, on bracket feet; the entire surface painted ...

Auction 23.06.1995
23 Jun 1995
US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 297

A RED-PAINTED CHEST-OF-DRAWERS, New England, 18th century, the rectangular molded top above a conforming case fitted with a bolection molded long drawer over four graduated long drawers over a molded base, on bracket feet; the entire surface painted ...

Auction 23.06.1995
23 Jun 1995
US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:

A RED-PAINTED CHEST-OF-DRAWERS, New England, 18th century, the rectangular molded top above a conforming case fitted with a bolection molded long drawer over four graduated long drawers over a molded base, on bracket feet; the entire surface painted red (feet and paint 19th century)-- 39¼in. high, 38¾in. wide, 19in. deep

Auction archive: Lot number 297
23 Jun 1995
Auction house:
New York, East

A RED-PAINTED CHEST-OF-DRAWERS, New England, 18th century, the rectangular molded top above a conforming case fitted with a bolection molded long drawer over four graduated long drawers over a molded base, on bracket feet; the entire surface painted red (feet and paint 19th century)-- 39¼in. high, 38¾in. wide, 19in. deep

Auction archive: Lot number 297
23 Jun 1995
Auction house:
New York, East
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