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Auction archive: Lot number 102

An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a p...

10 Dec 2012
£500 - £700
ca. US$807 - US$1,130
Price realised:
ca. US$1,816
Auction archive: Lot number 102

An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a p...

10 Dec 2012
£500 - £700
ca. US$807 - US$1,130
Price realised:
ca. US$1,816

An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a pair of cultured pearl and diamond earrings
An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a pair of cultured pearl and diamond earrings The pendant with single mabé cultured pearl to rectangular-cut emerald and brilliant-cut diamond surmount and line suspension, 5.0cm long ; and a pair of mabé cultured pearl and brilliant-cut diamond circular clusters earclips, post and clip fittings, London import marks 1990, 1.7cm long (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 102
10 Dec 2012
Auction house:
10 December 2012, London, South Kensington

An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a pair of cultured pearl and diamond earrings
An emerald, diamond and mabé cultured pearl pendant, and a pair of cultured pearl and diamond earrings The pendant with single mabé cultured pearl to rectangular-cut emerald and brilliant-cut diamond surmount and line suspension, 5.0cm long ; and a pair of mabé cultured pearl and brilliant-cut diamond circular clusters earclips, post and clip fittings, London import marks 1990, 1.7cm long (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 102
10 Dec 2012
Auction house:
10 December 2012, London, South Kensington
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