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Auction archive: Lot number 140

BUNCHO. Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. SHUNSHO. Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo

€1,200 - €1,400
ca. US$1,409 - US$1,644
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 140

BUNCHO. Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. SHUNSHO. Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo

€1,200 - €1,400
ca. US$1,409 - US$1,644
Price realised:
n. a.

AA.VV. BUNCHO. Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. SHUNSHO. Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo. Ippitsusai BUNCHO. fl.?1755–1790 Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. 1770 Colour woodblock print. 240 x101mm, trimmed within margins. With the red seal “mori uji” used by Buncho in "Ehon Butai Ogi" (Picture Book of Stage Fans)issued together with Shunsho in 1770. Print pasted on support card, good condition. This print is from one of the two "finest of all colour-printed picture books" (J. Hillier), the early masterpiece in Japanese book illustration, Ehon butai og “Picture-book of Stage Fans”, depicting 121 portraits of actors from the kabuki stage in a fan-shaped cartouches, a collaboration between Buncho and Katsukawa Shunsho, published in 1770. Buncho and Katsukawa Shunsho are credited with having developed kabuki actor portraiture focuses on producing likenesses of the subjects, rather than stereotyped faces. This illustration depicts the actor Ichimura Uzaemon X, 1748 – 1799. Together with: Katsukawa SHUNSHO. 1726-1792 Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo. 1770 Colour woodblock print. 240 x101mm, trimmed within margins. With the red seal “rin”, used in "Ehon Butai Ogi" (Picture Book of Stage Fans", issued together with Buncho in 1770. The seal he used had Hayashi (forest) on the side of a jar ( tsubo ), hence he was called Tsubo. Print pasted on support card, good condition. Shunsho is one of the great masters of ukiyo-e. He is known for the balance of strength and delicacy in his designs. Originally a member of the Torii school, Shunsho broke away from this reigning school of actor prints to establish his own, more realistic style known as the Katsukawa School. He taught many great ukiyo-e artists, including Shuncho, Shunko, Shunei, and Shunro (Hokusai). The root “shun” identifies artists of the Katsukawa school. While his early depictions of bijin indicate the influence of Harunobu, Shunsho developed a parity of idealism and realism in his prints of kabuki actors. Focusing on the individual rather than the role portrayed, Shunsho marked a pivotal moment in ukiyo-e. From his actor portraits to his backstage views of the theater, Shunsho introduced individualism to yakusha-e (actor prints).

Auction archive: Lot number 140
15 Oct 2020
Auction house:
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317

AA.VV. BUNCHO. Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. SHUNSHO. Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo. Ippitsusai BUNCHO. fl.?1755–1790 Yakusha-e: Ichimura Uzaemon X. 1770 Colour woodblock print. 240 x101mm, trimmed within margins. With the red seal “mori uji” used by Buncho in "Ehon Butai Ogi" (Picture Book of Stage Fans)issued together with Shunsho in 1770. Print pasted on support card, good condition. This print is from one of the two "finest of all colour-printed picture books" (J. Hillier), the early masterpiece in Japanese book illustration, Ehon butai og “Picture-book of Stage Fans”, depicting 121 portraits of actors from the kabuki stage in a fan-shaped cartouches, a collaboration between Buncho and Katsukawa Shunsho, published in 1770. Buncho and Katsukawa Shunsho are credited with having developed kabuki actor portraiture focuses on producing likenesses of the subjects, rather than stereotyped faces. This illustration depicts the actor Ichimura Uzaemon X, 1748 – 1799. Together with: Katsukawa SHUNSHO. 1726-1792 Yakusha-e: Ichikawa Tomozo. 1770 Colour woodblock print. 240 x101mm, trimmed within margins. With the red seal “rin”, used in "Ehon Butai Ogi" (Picture Book of Stage Fans", issued together with Buncho in 1770. The seal he used had Hayashi (forest) on the side of a jar ( tsubo ), hence he was called Tsubo. Print pasted on support card, good condition. Shunsho is one of the great masters of ukiyo-e. He is known for the balance of strength and delicacy in his designs. Originally a member of the Torii school, Shunsho broke away from this reigning school of actor prints to establish his own, more realistic style known as the Katsukawa School. He taught many great ukiyo-e artists, including Shuncho, Shunko, Shunei, and Shunro (Hokusai). The root “shun” identifies artists of the Katsukawa school. While his early depictions of bijin indicate the influence of Harunobu, Shunsho developed a parity of idealism and realism in his prints of kabuki actors. Focusing on the individual rather than the role portrayed, Shunsho marked a pivotal moment in ukiyo-e. From his actor portraits to his backstage views of the theater, Shunsho introduced individualism to yakusha-e (actor prints).

Auction archive: Lot number 140
15 Oct 2020
Auction house:
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317

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