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Auction archive: Lot number 527

FIFTEEN MEISSEN TEACUPS AND EIGHTEEN SAUCERS moulded with vertical flutes, the loop handles gilt to imitate branches and with flower and leaf terminals, painted with bouquets and scattered sprays within Altbrandenstein borders painted with scattered ...

Auction 16.06.1994
16 Jun 1994 - 17 Jun 1994
£1,600 - £2,400
ca. US$2,440 - US$3,660
Price realised:
ca. US$3,156
Auction archive: Lot number 527

FIFTEEN MEISSEN TEACUPS AND EIGHTEEN SAUCERS moulded with vertical flutes, the loop handles gilt to imitate branches and with flower and leaf terminals, painted with bouquets and scattered sprays within Altbrandenstein borders painted with scattered ...

Auction 16.06.1994
16 Jun 1994 - 17 Jun 1994
£1,600 - £2,400
ca. US$2,440 - US$3,660
Price realised:
ca. US$3,156

FIFTEEN MEISSEN TEACUPS AND EIGHTEEN SAUCERS moulded with vertical flutes, the loop handles gilt to imitate branches and with flower and leaf terminals, painted with bouquets and scattered sprays within Altbrandenstein borders painted with scattered insects, and gilt line rims (two cups lacking handles, two cups cracked, one saucer very broken, three saucers with a rim chip), blue crossed swords marks, various Pressnummern , late 19th Century (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 527
16 Jun 1994 - 17 Jun 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street

FIFTEEN MEISSEN TEACUPS AND EIGHTEEN SAUCERS moulded with vertical flutes, the loop handles gilt to imitate branches and with flower and leaf terminals, painted with bouquets and scattered sprays within Altbrandenstein borders painted with scattered insects, and gilt line rims (two cups lacking handles, two cups cracked, one saucer very broken, three saucers with a rim chip), blue crossed swords marks, various Pressnummern , late 19th Century (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 527
16 Jun 1994 - 17 Jun 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street
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