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Auction archive: Lot number 94

LEECH, JOHN. An Album of drawings for "Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch" . 5 drawings, pencil, four signed with initals, three with watercolor, 138 x 210 mm. (5 x 8 in.) and smaller, minor browning, with one reproductio...

Auction 25.02.1998
25 Feb 1998
US$800 - US$1,200
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 94

LEECH, JOHN. An Album of drawings for "Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch" . 5 drawings, pencil, four signed with initals, three with watercolor, 138 x 210 mm. (5 x 8 in.) and smaller, minor browning, with one reproductio...

Auction 25.02.1998
25 Feb 1998
US$800 - US$1,200
Price realised:

LEECH, JOHN. An Album of drawings for "Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch" . 5 drawings, pencil, four signed with initals, three with watercolor, 138 x 210 mm. (5 x 8 in.) and smaller, minor browning, with one reproduction after the drawing, all hinged into a blue morocco gilt album . Illustrations include a View of Brighton, "Rooti-Tooit - I've got her!", "Mrs. Pottles sees no reason why she shouldn't go out on the roof of her house to see the fireworks," "A Street Fight," and "An Ornament to Society" -- Leech. 3 drawings, pencil, one with white heightening, one with watercolor. 3 original reproductions from Punch after drawings. 225 x 172 mm. (8 x 7 in.) and smaller 7 in. (225 x 172 mm.) and smaller , laid down on mat, minor browning and staining; individual folding cases . Illustrations include: "Brother, Brother, We're Both in the Wrong," "The Noble Poulterers", and "Small Boys Must be Prepaid". (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 94
25 Feb 1998
Auction house:
New York, East

LEECH, JOHN. An Album of drawings for "Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch" . 5 drawings, pencil, four signed with initals, three with watercolor, 138 x 210 mm. (5 x 8 in.) and smaller, minor browning, with one reproduction after the drawing, all hinged into a blue morocco gilt album . Illustrations include a View of Brighton, "Rooti-Tooit - I've got her!", "Mrs. Pottles sees no reason why she shouldn't go out on the roof of her house to see the fireworks," "A Street Fight," and "An Ornament to Society" -- Leech. 3 drawings, pencil, one with white heightening, one with watercolor. 3 original reproductions from Punch after drawings. 225 x 172 mm. (8 x 7 in.) and smaller 7 in. (225 x 172 mm.) and smaller , laid down on mat, minor browning and staining; individual folding cases . Illustrations include: "Brother, Brother, We're Both in the Wrong," "The Noble Poulterers", and "Small Boys Must be Prepaid". (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 94
25 Feb 1998
Auction house:
New York, East
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