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Auction archive: Lot number 291/0289

Lot 291/0289 [Duffy (Sir Chas. Gavan

€140 - €180
ca. US$158 - US$204
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 291/0289

Lot 291/0289 [Duffy (Sir Chas. Gavan

€140 - €180
ca. US$158 - US$204
Price realised:
n. a.

Lot 291/0289 [Duffy (Sir Chas. Gavan)] O’Hagan (John) Joan of Arc, 8vo L. 1893. Presentation copy inscribed by O’Hagan’s widow Francis on f.e.p. to Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, ‘with affectionate regards’ Uncut, orig. vellum boards. (1) * Charles Gavan Duffy [1816-1903] was a member of the Young Ireland group, and first editor of the ‘Nation.’ for health reasons he went to Australia where he became Governor General of Victoria. Toward the end of his life, with a handsome pension, he settled in Nice. His son George was a delegate to the Treaty talks. John O’Hagan was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ireland.

Auction archive: Lot number 291/0289
23 Apr 2016
Auction house:
Fonsie Mealys Auctioneers
The Old Cinema, Chatsworth Street.
R95 XV05 Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
+353 (0)56 4441229
+353 (0)56 4441627

Lot 291/0289 [Duffy (Sir Chas. Gavan)] O’Hagan (John) Joan of Arc, 8vo L. 1893. Presentation copy inscribed by O’Hagan’s widow Francis on f.e.p. to Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, ‘with affectionate regards’ Uncut, orig. vellum boards. (1) * Charles Gavan Duffy [1816-1903] was a member of the Young Ireland group, and first editor of the ‘Nation.’ for health reasons he went to Australia where he became Governor General of Victoria. Toward the end of his life, with a handsome pension, he settled in Nice. His son George was a delegate to the Treaty talks. John O’Hagan was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ireland.

Auction archive: Lot number 291/0289
23 Apr 2016
Auction house:
Fonsie Mealys Auctioneers
The Old Cinema, Chatsworth Street.
R95 XV05 Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
+353 (0)56 4441229
+353 (0)56 4441627
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