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Auction archive: Lot number 165

Proof Die Proof of the accepted design, in black on glazed white card (smaller size due to shortage of card), handstamped "17 MAY 86" and "BEFORE/HARDENING"; fine. Photo

Auction 17.12.1996
17 Dec 1996
£150 - £200
ca. US$249 - US$332
Price realised:
ca. US$306
Auction archive: Lot number 165

Proof Die Proof of the accepted design, in black on glazed white card (smaller size due to shortage of card), handstamped "17 MAY 86" and "BEFORE/HARDENING"; fine. Photo

Auction 17.12.1996
17 Dec 1996
£150 - £200
ca. US$249 - US$332
Price realised:
ca. US$306

Proof Die Proof of the accepted design, in black on glazed white card (smaller size due to shortage of card), handstamped "17 MAY 86" and "BEFORE/HARDENING"; fine. Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 165
17 Dec 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street

Proof Die Proof of the accepted design, in black on glazed white card (smaller size due to shortage of card), handstamped "17 MAY 86" and "BEFORE/HARDENING"; fine. Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 165
17 Dec 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street
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