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Auction archive: Lot number 980

Quinta do Noval--Vintage 1997

Auction 23.09.2004
23 Sep 2004
£800 - £900
ca. US$1,434 - US$1,613
Price realised:
ca. US$1,874
Auction archive: Lot number 980

Quinta do Noval--Vintage 1997

Auction 23.09.2004
23 Sep 2004
£800 - £900
ca. US$1,434 - US$1,613
Price realised:
ca. US$1,874

A SUPERB RANGE OF FINE WINES, THE PROPERTY OF A DISCERNING COLLECTOR The wines offered below are from the impeccably stored (11 degrees Celsius, 85 rel. humidity) magnificent collection of a continental connoisseur, featuring Quinta do Noval Nacional, top Châteaux of Bordeaux and excellent producers from Burgundy and the Rhône. All wines were purchased either en primeur or on initial release. Recently shipped and now lying in Twickenham, Middlesex (EHD) Offered in original wooden cases unless otherwise stated Lots 980 to 1014 Quinta do Noval--Vintage 1997 Tasting note: The 1997 vintage port is the greatest Quinta do Noval I have ever tasted. The wine of the vintage, this black/purple-colored port boasts fabulous aromatics (espresso, blackberries, licorice, tar, and flowers), followed by massive concentration, full body, and levels of depth and richness. Gorgeously sweet, stunningly concentrated and full-bodied, this profound vintage port should be legendary. Quinta do Noval's production normally approaches 4,000 cases, but in 1997, only 1200 cases were produced, so it will be extremely limited in availability. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2035. 100 points. Robert Parker Wine Advocate #126 (Jan 2000) 12 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 980
23 Sep 2004
Auction house:
London, King Street

A SUPERB RANGE OF FINE WINES, THE PROPERTY OF A DISCERNING COLLECTOR The wines offered below are from the impeccably stored (11 degrees Celsius, 85 rel. humidity) magnificent collection of a continental connoisseur, featuring Quinta do Noval Nacional, top Châteaux of Bordeaux and excellent producers from Burgundy and the Rhône. All wines were purchased either en primeur or on initial release. Recently shipped and now lying in Twickenham, Middlesex (EHD) Offered in original wooden cases unless otherwise stated Lots 980 to 1014 Quinta do Noval--Vintage 1997 Tasting note: The 1997 vintage port is the greatest Quinta do Noval I have ever tasted. The wine of the vintage, this black/purple-colored port boasts fabulous aromatics (espresso, blackberries, licorice, tar, and flowers), followed by massive concentration, full body, and levels of depth and richness. Gorgeously sweet, stunningly concentrated and full-bodied, this profound vintage port should be legendary. Quinta do Noval's production normally approaches 4,000 cases, but in 1997, only 1200 cases were produced, so it will be extremely limited in availability. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2035. 100 points. Robert Parker Wine Advocate #126 (Jan 2000) 12 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 980
23 Sep 2004
Auction house:
London, King Street
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