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Auction archive: Lot number 6205

Rare map of the Baltic by Sir Robert Dudley 1646

SEK20,000 - SEK25,000
ca. US$2,171 - US$2,714
Price realised:
ca. US$4,560
Auction archive: Lot number 6205

Rare map of the Baltic by Sir Robert Dudley 1646

SEK20,000 - SEK25,000
ca. US$2,171 - US$2,714
Price realised:
ca. US$4,560

LARGE RARE MAP OF THE BALTIC. DUDLEY, ROBERT. Carta particolare dell mare Baltico che comincia con il capo de Eleeholm in Suezia, e Finisce con Padus in Liflandia... Florence 1646. Large engraved map with compass rose, ship and large embellished cartouche. Engraved by Antonio Francesco Lucini About 475x750 mm. Good impression. Some slight creases, centrefold partly darkend. Sir Robert Dudley (1574-1649), an illegitimate son of the Earl of Leicester and a favourite of Queen Elisabeth, left England for Italy in 1605 and publised his sea atlas Dell' Arcano del Mare (Secrets of the Sea) in 1646. It was the first sea atlas to cover the entire world, and the first by an Englishman. It was also written in the Italian language by Dudley himself (Chapel Archives & Chapter library). Provenance: From the estate of Dr Peter Wallenberg (1926-2015).

Auction archive: Lot number 6205
20 Dec 2016
Auction house:
Stockholms Auktionsverk
Nybrogatan 32
? Stockholm
+46 (0)8 4536750
+46 (0)8 242407

LARGE RARE MAP OF THE BALTIC. DUDLEY, ROBERT. Carta particolare dell mare Baltico che comincia con il capo de Eleeholm in Suezia, e Finisce con Padus in Liflandia... Florence 1646. Large engraved map with compass rose, ship and large embellished cartouche. Engraved by Antonio Francesco Lucini About 475x750 mm. Good impression. Some slight creases, centrefold partly darkend. Sir Robert Dudley (1574-1649), an illegitimate son of the Earl of Leicester and a favourite of Queen Elisabeth, left England for Italy in 1605 and publised his sea atlas Dell' Arcano del Mare (Secrets of the Sea) in 1646. It was the first sea atlas to cover the entire world, and the first by an Englishman. It was also written in the Italian language by Dudley himself (Chapel Archives & Chapter library). Provenance: From the estate of Dr Peter Wallenberg (1926-2015).

Auction archive: Lot number 6205
20 Dec 2016
Auction house:
Stockholms Auktionsverk
Nybrogatan 32
? Stockholm
+46 (0)8 4536750
+46 (0)8 242407
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