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Auction archive: Lot number 0783

Roman Gold Earring Pair

30 Oct 2013
£180 - £240
ca. US$289 - US$386
Price realised:
ca. US$312
Auction archive: Lot number 0783

Roman Gold Earring Pair

30 Oct 2013
£180 - £240
ca. US$289 - US$386
Price realised:
ca. US$312

ROMAN GOLD EARRING PAIR 1st-2nd century AD A pair of gold earrings, each formed as a wire hoop with hook-and-eye catch, sheet gold domed boss and wire pendant with coiled finial. 1.51 grams total, 23-24 mm (1"). Fine condition. [2] Provenance Property of a gentleman; acquired in the Levant, in the 1980s

Auction archive: Lot number 0783
30 Oct 2013
Auction house:
Timeline Auctions
23-24 Berkeley Square
London, W1J 6HE
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 71291494
+44 (0)1277 814122

ROMAN GOLD EARRING PAIR 1st-2nd century AD A pair of gold earrings, each formed as a wire hoop with hook-and-eye catch, sheet gold domed boss and wire pendant with coiled finial. 1.51 grams total, 23-24 mm (1"). Fine condition. [2] Provenance Property of a gentleman; acquired in the Levant, in the 1980s

Auction archive: Lot number 0783
30 Oct 2013
Auction house:
Timeline Auctions
23-24 Berkeley Square
London, W1J 6HE
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 71291494
+44 (0)1277 814122
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