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Auction archive: Lot number 96

SUPREME COURT, 1921-1930. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD, President, Chief Justice and LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Associate Justice. Photograph jointly signed ("Wm H Taft" and "Louis D. Bandeis"), n.p., n.d. [ca.1921-1930]. 203 x 254 mm. (8 x 10 in.), mounted on folde...

Auction 20.05.1994
20 May 1994
US$700 - US$1,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 96

SUPREME COURT, 1921-1930. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD, President, Chief Justice and LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Associate Justice. Photograph jointly signed ("Wm H Taft" and "Louis D. Bandeis"), n.p., n.d. [ca.1921-1930]. 203 x 254 mm. (8 x 10 in.), mounted on folde...

Auction 20.05.1994
20 May 1994
US$700 - US$1,000
Price realised:

SUPREME COURT, 1921-1930. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD President, Chief Justice and LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Associate Justice. Photograph jointly signed ("Wm H Taft" and "Louis D. Bandeis"), n.p., n.d. [ca.1921-1930]. 203 x 254 mm. (8 x 10 in.), mounted on folder with imprint of Peralta, Los Angeles, tiny piece at corner detached. Depicting a group of distinguished personages in top hats and tails standing before a portico. Signed by the two eminent justices in blank portion of image.

Auction archive: Lot number 96
20 May 1994
Auction house:
New York, Park Avenue

SUPREME COURT, 1921-1930. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD President, Chief Justice and LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Associate Justice. Photograph jointly signed ("Wm H Taft" and "Louis D. Bandeis"), n.p., n.d. [ca.1921-1930]. 203 x 254 mm. (8 x 10 in.), mounted on folder with imprint of Peralta, Los Angeles, tiny piece at corner detached. Depicting a group of distinguished personages in top hats and tails standing before a portico. Signed by the two eminent justices in blank portion of image.

Auction archive: Lot number 96
20 May 1994
Auction house:
New York, Park Avenue
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