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Auction archive: Lot number 364

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS WITH APPLIED SPRIGS, MID-18TH CENTURY, the first lotus-moulded and resting on a petal base, applied wieth sprigs of lotus buds and pads, the other applied with small tree shrews frolicking amidst berried branches

Auction 17.01.1996
17 Jan 1996
US$500 - US$700
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 364

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS WITH APPLIED SPRIGS, MID-18TH CENTURY, the first lotus-moulded and resting on a petal base, applied wieth sprigs of lotus buds and pads, the other applied with small tree shrews frolicking amidst berried branches

Auction 17.01.1996
17 Jan 1996
US$500 - US$700
Price realised:

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS WITH APPLIED SPRIGS, MID-18TH CENTURY, the first lotus-moulded and resting on a petal base, applied wieth sprigs of lotus buds and pads, the other applied with small tree shrews frolicking amidst berried branches 6½ and 5¼in. high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 364
17 Jan 1996
Auction house:
New York, East

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS WITH APPLIED SPRIGS, MID-18TH CENTURY, the first lotus-moulded and resting on a petal base, applied wieth sprigs of lotus buds and pads, the other applied with small tree shrews frolicking amidst berried branches 6½ and 5¼in. high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 364
17 Jan 1996
Auction house:
New York, East
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