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Auction archive: Lot number 168

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS, each of globular shape with U-shaped handle and S-shaped spout, variously painted around the exterior with flower clusters divided by insects, the flat covers with two peony-sprays and surmounted by a knop finial ...

Auction 17.05.1995
17 May 1995
NLG2,000 - NLG3,000
ca. US$1,281 - US$1,921
Price realised:
ca. US$3,683
Auction archive: Lot number 168

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS, each of globular shape with U-shaped handle and S-shaped spout, variously painted around the exterior with flower clusters divided by insects, the flat covers with two peony-sprays and surmounted by a knop finial ...

Auction 17.05.1995
17 May 1995
NLG2,000 - NLG3,000
ca. US$1,281 - US$1,921
Price realised:
ca. US$3,683

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS, each of globular shape with U-shaped handle and S-shaped spout, variously painted around the exterior with flower clusters divided by insects, the flat covers with two peony-sprays and surmounted by a knop finial (one with handle crack and spout chip), Qianlong 15.5cm. high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 168
17 May 1995
Auction house:

TWO FAMILLE ROSE TEAPOTS AND COVERS, each of globular shape with U-shaped handle and S-shaped spout, variously painted around the exterior with flower clusters divided by insects, the flat covers with two peony-sprays and surmounted by a knop finial (one with handle crack and spout chip), Qianlong 15.5cm. high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 168
17 May 1995
Auction house:
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