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Auction archive: Lot number 247

Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B

14 Apr 2015
£2,000 - £3,000
ca. US$2,989 - US$4,484
Price realised:
ca. US$9,342
Auction archive: Lot number 247

Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B

14 Apr 2015
£2,000 - £3,000
ca. US$2,989 - US$4,484
Price realised:
ca. US$9,342

Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B
Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B Each of bicoloured design, set to the front with a fancy-shaped cabochon sapphire or pink sapphire within pavé diamond shoulders to the sprung bangle of geometric design, inner diameter 4.9cm, maker's pouches Signed Marina B, no. F5125 and F5127

Auction archive: Lot number 247
14 Apr 2015
Auction house:
14 April 2015, London, South Kensington

Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B
Two sapphire and diamond bangles, by Marina B Each of bicoloured design, set to the front with a fancy-shaped cabochon sapphire or pink sapphire within pavé diamond shoulders to the sprung bangle of geometric design, inner diameter 4.9cm, maker's pouches Signed Marina B, no. F5125 and F5127

Auction archive: Lot number 247
14 Apr 2015
Auction house:
14 April 2015, London, South Kensington
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