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Auction archive: Lot number 269

A fan, the silk leaf painted with birds climbing flowering branches, separated by columns of applied gold stripes, the sticks of bone - late 19th century ; a white ostrich feather fan with mother of pearl sticks; a fan, the dark olive green satin lea...

Auction 19.11.2002
19 Nov 2002
£150 - £250
ca. US$235 - US$392
Price realised:
ca. US$314
Auction archive: Lot number 269

A fan, the silk leaf painted with birds climbing flowering branches, separated by columns of applied gold stripes, the sticks of bone - late 19th century ; a white ostrich feather fan with mother of pearl sticks; a fan, the dark olive green satin lea...

Auction 19.11.2002
19 Nov 2002
£150 - £250
ca. US$235 - US$392
Price realised:
ca. US$314

A fan, the silk leaf painted with birds climbing flowering branches, separated by columns of applied gold stripes, the sticks of bone - late 19th century ; a white ostrich feather fan with mother of pearl sticks; a fan, the dark olive green satin leaf embroidered with chain stitched flowers; and an 18th century ivory lacquer brise fan - all in glazed, fan-shaped cases (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 269
19 Nov 2002
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A fan, the silk leaf painted with birds climbing flowering branches, separated by columns of applied gold stripes, the sticks of bone - late 19th century ; a white ostrich feather fan with mother of pearl sticks; a fan, the dark olive green satin leaf embroidered with chain stitched flowers; and an 18th century ivory lacquer brise fan - all in glazed, fan-shaped cases (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 269
19 Nov 2002
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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