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Auction archive: Lot number 190

A group of Swanankhalok wares and a large Swatow charger, 14th-17th centuries, comprising: …

Auction 15.11.2016
15 Nov 2016
£200 - £300
ca. US$248 - US$372
Price realised:
ca. US$1,367
Auction archive: Lot number 190

A group of Swanankhalok wares and a large Swatow charger, 14th-17th centuries, comprising: …

Auction 15.11.2016
15 Nov 2016
£200 - £300
ca. US$248 - US$372
Price realised:
ca. US$1,367

A group of Swanankhalok wares and a large Swatow charger, 14th-17th centuries, comprising: a white glazed jar and cover, with three loop handles, 12cm high; a white glazed vase, 11.3cm high; a circular box and cover, possibly Sukhothai kilns, painted in overglaze brown and black, 9.5cm diameter; another similar small vase, painted in brown with dotted design, 4.6cm high; two small celadon bowls, 9.7cm diameter; a bowl, painted with central floral roundel in iron-brown, 29cm diam and a large Swatow charger, late 17th century, painted with flowers amid rocks, within a diaper rim, 39.5cm diameter (8) For a similar white glazed jar and cover see, Oriental Ceramics Society of the Philippines, Chinese and South-East Asian-White Ware found in the Philippines, p.122, pl. 149. 14-17世纪 宋加洛瓷器八件 Condition report disclaimer

Auction archive: Lot number 190
15 Nov 2016
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880

A group of Swanankhalok wares and a large Swatow charger, 14th-17th centuries, comprising: a white glazed jar and cover, with three loop handles, 12cm high; a white glazed vase, 11.3cm high; a circular box and cover, possibly Sukhothai kilns, painted in overglaze brown and black, 9.5cm diameter; another similar small vase, painted in brown with dotted design, 4.6cm high; two small celadon bowls, 9.7cm diameter; a bowl, painted with central floral roundel in iron-brown, 29cm diam and a large Swatow charger, late 17th century, painted with flowers amid rocks, within a diaper rim, 39.5cm diameter (8) For a similar white glazed jar and cover see, Oriental Ceramics Society of the Philippines, Chinese and South-East Asian-White Ware found in the Philippines, p.122, pl. 149. 14-17世纪 宋加洛瓷器八件 Condition report disclaimer

Auction archive: Lot number 190
15 Nov 2016
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880
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