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Auction archive: Lot number 241

A large and stunning size 15 Bru Jne Bebe, French circa 1880

£10,000 - £15,000
ca. US$16,941 - US$25,411
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 241

A large and stunning size 15 Bru Jne Bebe, French circa 1880

£10,000 - £15,000
ca. US$16,941 - US$25,411
Price realised:
n. a.

With large fixed blue glass paperweight eyes, finely painted lashes and feathered brows, delicately painted open/closed mouth, pierced applied ears, cork pate and blonde sheep shkin wig, swivel head to marked bisque shoulder plate with moulded breasts, kid over metal jointed body withfinely moulded bisque lower arms and composition lower legs with carved toes, wearing blue and white striped satin dress with pleats and ribbons, underclothes, socks, white leather shoes and cream felt beret, incised Bru.Jne, 15 to back of head and Bru.Jn, 15, to breast plate, (professional restoration to temples, forehead and underneath chin), 86.5cm (34in)tall.

Auction archive: Lot number 241
28 Oct 2008
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, Knightsbridge Montpelier Street Knightsbridge London SW7 1HH Tel: +44 20 7393 3900 Fax : +44 20 7393 3905

With large fixed blue glass paperweight eyes, finely painted lashes and feathered brows, delicately painted open/closed mouth, pierced applied ears, cork pate and blonde sheep shkin wig, swivel head to marked bisque shoulder plate with moulded breasts, kid over metal jointed body withfinely moulded bisque lower arms and composition lower legs with carved toes, wearing blue and white striped satin dress with pleats and ribbons, underclothes, socks, white leather shoes and cream felt beret, incised Bru.Jne, 15 to back of head and Bru.Jn, 15, to breast plate, (professional restoration to temples, forehead and underneath chin), 86.5cm (34in)tall.

Auction archive: Lot number 241
28 Oct 2008
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, Knightsbridge Montpelier Street Knightsbridge London SW7 1HH Tel: +44 20 7393 3900 Fax : +44 20 7393 3905
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