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Auction archive: Lot number 10

A large Honiton application fan on bone sticks

Price realised:
ca. US$549
Auction archive: Lot number 10

A large Honiton application fan on bone sticks

Price realised:
ca. US$549

The leaf having a traditional Honiton spray border and with 20 butterflies of various sizes filling the main ground, sticks, 34cm, a black Chantilly lace fan with three insertions of painted putti on carved black wooden sticks, 27cm, a lace trimmed black gauze fan with gold painted and sequinned butterflies on wooden sticks, a boxed cream machine lace fan with exuberant needlerun and sequinned design on decorated bone sticks (s.d.), and a black and gold painted gauze fan with birds and butterflies on wooden sticks (s.d.). (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 10
28 Jul 2009
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Knowle The Old House Station Road Knowle Solihull B93 0HT Tel: +44 1564 776 151 Fax : +44 1564 778 069

The leaf having a traditional Honiton spray border and with 20 butterflies of various sizes filling the main ground, sticks, 34cm, a black Chantilly lace fan with three insertions of painted putti on carved black wooden sticks, 27cm, a lace trimmed black gauze fan with gold painted and sequinned butterflies on wooden sticks, a boxed cream machine lace fan with exuberant needlerun and sequinned design on decorated bone sticks (s.d.), and a black and gold painted gauze fan with birds and butterflies on wooden sticks (s.d.). (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 10
28 Jul 2009
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Knowle The Old House Station Road Knowle Solihull B93 0HT Tel: +44 1564 776 151 Fax : +44 1564 778 069
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