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Auction archive: Lot number 24

A Martin Brothers stoneware Vase, swollen form with flared neck and rim, incised decoration of flowering lilies, cream glazed with brown and burnished details, incised R.W. Martin and Bros., London and Southall, 2-85

Auction 16.11.1994
16 Nov 1994
£300 - £500
ca. US$476 - US$794
Price realised:
ca. US$877
Auction archive: Lot number 24

A Martin Brothers stoneware Vase, swollen form with flared neck and rim, incised decoration of flowering lilies, cream glazed with brown and burnished details, incised R.W. Martin and Bros., London and Southall, 2-85

Auction 16.11.1994
16 Nov 1994
£300 - £500
ca. US$476 - US$794
Price realised:
ca. US$877

A Martin Brothers stoneware Vase, swollen form with flared neck and rim, incised decoration of flowering lilies, cream glazed with brown and burnished details, incised R.W. Martin and Bros., London and Southall, 2-85 23.4cm. high

Auction archive: Lot number 24
16 Nov 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street

A Martin Brothers stoneware Vase, swollen form with flared neck and rim, incised decoration of flowering lilies, cream glazed with brown and burnished details, incised R.W. Martin and Bros., London and Southall, 2-85 23.4cm. high

Auction archive: Lot number 24
16 Nov 1994
Auction house:
London, King Street
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