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Auction archive: Lot number 380

A miscellaneous selection including Afghanistan (11); Iran (16); Iraq (21); Israel (27 with 22 used on two documents); Korea (10); Manchukuo (8), Philippines (216 including 21 different blocks of ten Cigarette Tax labels, each overprinted "SPECIMEN" ...

Auction 23.09.1998
23 Sep 1998
£140 - £180
ca. US$235 - US$302
Price realised:
ca. US$463
Auction archive: Lot number 380

A miscellaneous selection including Afghanistan (11); Iran (16); Iraq (21); Israel (27 with 22 used on two documents); Korea (10); Manchukuo (8), Philippines (216 including 21 different blocks of ten Cigarette Tax labels, each overprinted "SPECIMEN" ...

Auction 23.09.1998
23 Sep 1998
£140 - £180
ca. US$235 - US$302
Price realised:
ca. US$463

A miscellaneous selection including Afghanistan (11); Iran (16); Iraq (21); Israel (27 with 22 used on two documents); Korea (10); Manchukuo (8), Philippines (216 including 21 different blocks of ten Cigarette Tax labels, each overprinted "SPECIMEN" and with a punched hole), Turkey (6) and Yemen 50f. mint block of twenty

Auction archive: Lot number 380
23 Sep 1998
Auction house:
Spink London

A miscellaneous selection including Afghanistan (11); Iran (16); Iraq (21); Israel (27 with 22 used on two documents); Korea (10); Manchukuo (8), Philippines (216 including 21 different blocks of ten Cigarette Tax labels, each overprinted "SPECIMEN" and with a punched hole), Turkey (6) and Yemen 50f. mint block of twenty

Auction archive: Lot number 380
23 Sep 1998
Auction house:
Spink London
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