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Auction archive: Lot number 50

A Roman translucent pale glass unguentarium

Auction 26.04.1995
26 Apr 1995
£150 - £250
ca. US$241 - US$401
Price realised:
ca. US$361
Auction archive: Lot number 50

A Roman translucent pale glass unguentarium

Auction 26.04.1995
26 Apr 1995
£150 - £250
ca. US$241 - US$401
Price realised:
ca. US$361

A Roman translucent pale glass unguentarium the conical body with cylindrical neck and everted rim; another similar -- 5½in. (14cm.) high av.; another of pale green glass, smaller -- 5¼in. (13.3cm.) high; a pale blue glass unguentarium with globular body and indented base, similar -- 4¾in. (12cm.) high, all circa 2nd Century A.D. ; and an Islamic clear cut glass jar, the globular body with short cylindrical neck, decorated with wheel cut diamond designs around the body -- 2in. (5cm.) high, 8th-10th Century A.D. (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 50
26 Apr 1995
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Roman translucent pale glass unguentarium the conical body with cylindrical neck and everted rim; another similar -- 5½in. (14cm.) high av.; another of pale green glass, smaller -- 5¼in. (13.3cm.) high; a pale blue glass unguentarium with globular body and indented base, similar -- 4¾in. (12cm.) high, all circa 2nd Century A.D. ; and an Islamic clear cut glass jar, the globular body with short cylindrical neck, decorated with wheel cut diamond designs around the body -- 2in. (5cm.) high, 8th-10th Century A.D. (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 50
26 Apr 1995
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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