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Auction archive: Lot number 198

A set of four Meissen Marcolini porcelain gilt cups and saucers

Auction 22.03.2005
22 Mar 2005
€600 - €800
ca. US$792 - US$1,056
Price realised:
ca. US$348
Auction archive: Lot number 198

A set of four Meissen Marcolini porcelain gilt cups and saucers

Auction 22.03.2005
22 Mar 2005
€600 - €800
ca. US$792 - US$1,056
Price realised:
ca. US$348

A set of four Meissen Marcolini porcelain gilt cups and saucers LATE 18TH CENTURY, MARKED WITH UNDERGLAZE BLUE CROSSED SWORDS ABOVE A STAR, IMPRESSED NUMERALS With gilt pendentif and dotted borders, the à la Grècque handles ending in copper-coloured leaf ornaments, comprising two tea cups and saucers and two coffee cups and saucers (8)

Auction archive: Lot number 198
22 Mar 2005
Auction house:

A set of four Meissen Marcolini porcelain gilt cups and saucers LATE 18TH CENTURY, MARKED WITH UNDERGLAZE BLUE CROSSED SWORDS ABOVE A STAR, IMPRESSED NUMERALS With gilt pendentif and dotted borders, the à la Grècque handles ending in copper-coloured leaf ornaments, comprising two tea cups and saucers and two coffee cups and saucers (8)

Auction archive: Lot number 198
22 Mar 2005
Auction house:
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