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Auction archive: Lot number 134

A SÈVRES CUP AND TREMBLEUSE SAUCER painted in puce camaieu with putti among clouds, one with a tambourine, another with a quiver of arrows and another with a bow and arrow flanked by flower-sprays, the entwined branch handles and rims enriched with g...

Auction 21.09.1992
21 Sep 1992
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,114 - US$1,485
Price realised:
ca. US$2,246
Auction archive: Lot number 134

A SÈVRES CUP AND TREMBLEUSE SAUCER painted in puce camaieu with putti among clouds, one with a tambourine, another with a quiver of arrows and another with a bow and arrow flanked by flower-sprays, the entwined branch handles and rims enriched with g...

Auction 21.09.1992
21 Sep 1992
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,114 - US$1,485
Price realised:
ca. US$2,246

A SÈVRES CUP AND TREMBLEUSE SAUCER painted in puce camaieu with putti among clouds, one with a tambourine, another with a quiver of arrows and another with a bow and arrow flanked by flower-sprays, the entwined branch handles and rims enriched with gilding (slight rubbing to gilt rims on cup), rubbed blue interlaced L's mark to cup enclosing date letter K for 1764, incised LF and uu to cup and o to saucer

Auction archive: Lot number 134
21 Sep 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street

A SÈVRES CUP AND TREMBLEUSE SAUCER painted in puce camaieu with putti among clouds, one with a tambourine, another with a quiver of arrows and another with a bow and arrow flanked by flower-sprays, the entwined branch handles and rims enriched with gilding (slight rubbing to gilt rims on cup), rubbed blue interlaced L's mark to cup enclosing date letter K for 1764, incised LF and uu to cup and o to saucer

Auction archive: Lot number 134
21 Sep 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street
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