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Auction archive: Lot number 441

An Austrian silver vesta box

£150 - £200
ca. US$189 - US$253
Price realised:
ca. US$164
Auction archive: Lot number 441

An Austrian silver vesta box

£150 - £200
ca. US$189 - US$253
Price realised:
ca. US$164

An Austrian silver vesta box, by Gebr. Kellner, Vienna, rectangular form, hinged cover, gilded interior, with a lighting cord, the reverse of the base with a hinged pen knife, the cover with a crest, length 6cm, approx. weight 2.3oz. Live Bid Login/Register to Bid

Auction archive: Lot number 441
22 Jul 2020
Auction house:
Woolley and Wallis Salisbury Salerooms Ltd
Castle Street 51-61
Salisbury Wiltshire, SP1 3SU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1722 424500
+44 (0)1722 424508

An Austrian silver vesta box, by Gebr. Kellner, Vienna, rectangular form, hinged cover, gilded interior, with a lighting cord, the reverse of the base with a hinged pen knife, the cover with a crest, length 6cm, approx. weight 2.3oz. Live Bid Login/Register to Bid

Auction archive: Lot number 441
22 Jul 2020
Auction house:
Woolley and Wallis Salisbury Salerooms Ltd
Castle Street 51-61
Salisbury Wiltshire, SP1 3SU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1722 424500
+44 (0)1722 424508
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