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Auction archive: Lot number 830

An early beeswax child doll

Auction 30.11.2000
30 Nov 2000
£250 - £300
ca. US$356 - US$427
Price realised:
ca. US$436
Auction archive: Lot number 830

An early beeswax child doll

Auction 30.11.2000
30 Nov 2000
£250 - £300
ca. US$356 - US$427
Price realised:
ca. US$436

An early beeswax child doll with bead eyes, painted short brown hair, stuffed linen rigid body and legs and wax arms -- 10¼in. (26cm.) high, circa 1810 (shoulder plate damaged at back left corner) a doll's mahogany cradle with shaped hood, probably made from a cigar box -- 12¼in. (31cm.) long, early 19th century (some cracks) ; and a wax over papier mâché-headed doll with dark eyes, dark hair ringlets set into a slit in the head, stuffed body with kid arms and linen stuffed body with white muslin frock trimmed with silk ribband -- 19½in. (50cm.) high, with ink shop or maker's inscription on ankle (face cracking, moth in petticoat) (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 830
30 Nov 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An early beeswax child doll with bead eyes, painted short brown hair, stuffed linen rigid body and legs and wax arms -- 10¼in. (26cm.) high, circa 1810 (shoulder plate damaged at back left corner) a doll's mahogany cradle with shaped hood, probably made from a cigar box -- 12¼in. (31cm.) long, early 19th century (some cracks) ; and a wax over papier mâché-headed doll with dark eyes, dark hair ringlets set into a slit in the head, stuffed body with kid arms and linen stuffed body with white muslin frock trimmed with silk ribband -- 19½in. (50cm.) high, with ink shop or maker's inscription on ankle (face cracking, moth in petticoat) (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 830
30 Nov 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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