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Auction archive: Lot number 184

An early wax over papier-mâché headed doll, with dark eyes, blonde mohair curls, stuffed body with pink kid arms and individually stitched fingers, in original white piqué tucked frock, collar and cap, coat, quilted bonnet and boots in red facecloth ...

Auction 23.09.1993
23 Sep 1993
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,219 - US$1,829
Price realised:
ca. US$1,174
Auction archive: Lot number 184

An early wax over papier-mâché headed doll, with dark eyes, blonde mohair curls, stuffed body with pink kid arms and individually stitched fingers, in original white piqué tucked frock, collar and cap, coat, quilted bonnet and boots in red facecloth ...

Auction 23.09.1993
23 Sep 1993
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,219 - US$1,829
Price realised:
ca. US$1,174

An early wax over papier-mâché headed doll, with dark eyes, blonde mohair curls, stuffed body with pink kid arms and individually stitched fingers, in original white piqué tucked frock, collar and cap, coat, quilted bonnet and boots in red facecloth - 18in. high, English 1810-1815 (some cracking to face) ; additional items of original clothing including white piqué dress, pink silk spencer and quilted bonnet, nightdress and figured cotton boots (a lot) (See Colour Plate 7)

Auction archive: Lot number 184
23 Sep 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An early wax over papier-mâché headed doll, with dark eyes, blonde mohair curls, stuffed body with pink kid arms and individually stitched fingers, in original white piqué tucked frock, collar and cap, coat, quilted bonnet and boots in red facecloth - 18in. high, English 1810-1815 (some cracking to face) ; additional items of original clothing including white piqué dress, pink silk spencer and quilted bonnet, nightdress and figured cotton boots (a lot) (See Colour Plate 7)

Auction archive: Lot number 184
23 Sep 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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