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Auction archive: Lot number 134

An Egyptian linen fragment with two lines of Hieratic text in black ink, from the Chapter of Breathing in the final part of the Book of the Dead, framed and glazed -- 9¾in. (24.8cm.) long max., Late Period (712-332 B.C.) ; and a Coptic textile border...

Auction 19.05.1992
19 May 1992
£100 - £150
ca. US$180 - US$271
Price realised:
ca. US$338
Auction archive: Lot number 134

An Egyptian linen fragment with two lines of Hieratic text in black ink, from the Chapter of Breathing in the final part of the Book of the Dead, framed and glazed -- 9¾in. (24.8cm.) long max., Late Period (712-332 B.C.) ; and a Coptic textile border...

Auction 19.05.1992
19 May 1992
£100 - £150
ca. US$180 - US$271
Price realised:
ca. US$338

An Egyptian linen fragment with two lines of Hieratic text in black ink, from the Chapter of Breathing in the final part of the Book of the Dead, framed and glazed -- 9¾in. (24.8cm.) long max., Late Period (712-332 B.C.) ; and a Coptic textile border fragment showing four roundels with abstract decoration, brightly coloured in red, blue, green and yellow, set in a red and pink frieze with heart-shaped scrolls -- 7in. (17.6cm.) long max., 5th-7th Century A.D. (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 134
19 May 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An Egyptian linen fragment with two lines of Hieratic text in black ink, from the Chapter of Breathing in the final part of the Book of the Dead, framed and glazed -- 9¾in. (24.8cm.) long max., Late Period (712-332 B.C.) ; and a Coptic textile border fragment showing four roundels with abstract decoration, brightly coloured in red, blue, green and yellow, set in a red and pink frieze with heart-shaped scrolls -- 7in. (17.6cm.) long max., 5th-7th Century A.D. (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 134
19 May 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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