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Auction archive: Lot number 317

BAYLE Pierre. The Dictionary Historical and Mr. des Maizeaux London: For J.J. and P. Knapton (and others), 1734-1738.

Auction 22.10.1992
22 Oct 1992
£500 - £700
ca. US$827 - US$1,159
Price realised:
ca. US$910
Auction archive: Lot number 317

BAYLE Pierre. The Dictionary Historical and Mr. des Maizeaux London: For J.J. and P. Knapton (and others), 1734-1738.

Auction 22.10.1992
22 Oct 1992
£500 - £700
ca. US$827 - US$1,159
Price realised:
ca. US$910

BAYLE Pierre. The Dictionary Historical and Mr. des Maizeaux London: For J.J. and P. Knapton (and others), 1734-1738. 5 volumes, 2° (360 x 225mm.). Titles printed in red and black, engraved portrait, half-titles (portrait a little creased and becoming detached). Contemporary calf, spines gilt in seven compartments, red morocco lettering pieces, red sprinkled edges (rubbed). Provenance : John Pollexfen Bastard (1756-1816), notable Devon parliamentarian (armorial bookplate). Printing and the Mind of Man 155 (describing the first edition of 1695-97). (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 317
22 Oct 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street

BAYLE Pierre. The Dictionary Historical and Mr. des Maizeaux London: For J.J. and P. Knapton (and others), 1734-1738. 5 volumes, 2° (360 x 225mm.). Titles printed in red and black, engraved portrait, half-titles (portrait a little creased and becoming detached). Contemporary calf, spines gilt in seven compartments, red morocco lettering pieces, red sprinkled edges (rubbed). Provenance : John Pollexfen Bastard (1756-1816), notable Devon parliamentarian (armorial bookplate). Printing and the Mind of Man 155 (describing the first edition of 1695-97). (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 317
22 Oct 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street
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