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Auction archive: Lot number 9

BROWNE, Howard ("John Evans"). Halo in Blood. Indianapolis, 1946. -- Halo for Satan. Indianapolis, 1948. -- Halo in Brass. New York, 1949. -- Thin Air. New York, 1954. -- The Taste of Ashes. New York, 1957. -- and 4 others (including duplicates). Tog...

Auction 08.04.2003
8 Apr 2003
US$300 - US$400
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 9

BROWNE, Howard ("John Evans"). Halo in Blood. Indianapolis, 1946. -- Halo for Satan. Indianapolis, 1948. -- Halo in Brass. New York, 1949. -- Thin Air. New York, 1954. -- The Taste of Ashes. New York, 1957. -- and 4 others (including duplicates). Tog...

Auction 08.04.2003
8 Apr 2003
US$300 - US$400
Price realised:

BROWNE, Howard ("John Evans"). Halo in Blood. Indianapolis, 1946. -- Halo for Satan. Indianapolis, 1948. -- Halo in Brass. New York, 1949. -- Thin Air. New York, 1954. -- The Taste of Ashes. New York, 1957. -- and 4 others (including duplicates). Together 9 volumes, FIRST EDITIONS,, 8 o, original cloth DUST JACKETS, good condition. (9)

Auction archive: Lot number 9
8 Apr 2003
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center

BROWNE, Howard ("John Evans"). Halo in Blood. Indianapolis, 1946. -- Halo for Satan. Indianapolis, 1948. -- Halo in Brass. New York, 1949. -- Thin Air. New York, 1954. -- The Taste of Ashes. New York, 1957. -- and 4 others (including duplicates). Together 9 volumes, FIRST EDITIONS,, 8 o, original cloth DUST JACKETS, good condition. (9)

Auction archive: Lot number 9
8 Apr 2003
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center
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