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Auction archive: Lot number 88

Château Gruaud-Larose Saint-Julien, 2me cru classé --Vintage 1959 English-bottled by Peatling & Cawdron. Bin-soiled label. Level upper/top-shoulder (1) --Vintage 1966. C.B Bin-soiled label. Level two centimatre below base of cork (1)

Auction 02.04.2001
2 Apr 2001
£80 - £100
ca. US$114 - US$143
Price realised:
ca. US$110
Auction archive: Lot number 88

Château Gruaud-Larose Saint-Julien, 2me cru classé --Vintage 1959 English-bottled by Peatling & Cawdron. Bin-soiled label. Level upper/top-shoulder (1) --Vintage 1966. C.B Bin-soiled label. Level two centimatre below base of cork (1)

Auction 02.04.2001
2 Apr 2001
£80 - £100
ca. US$114 - US$143
Price realised:
ca. US$110

Château Gruaud-Larose Saint-Julien, 2me cru classé --Vintage 1959 English-bottled by Peatling & Cawdron. Bin-soiled label. Level upper/top-shoulder (1) --Vintage 1966. C.B Bin-soiled label. Level two centimatre below base of cork (1) Above 2 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 88
2 Apr 2001
Auction house:
'Ashurst, Kent'

Château Gruaud-Larose Saint-Julien, 2me cru classé --Vintage 1959 English-bottled by Peatling & Cawdron. Bin-soiled label. Level upper/top-shoulder (1) --Vintage 1966. C.B Bin-soiled label. Level two centimatre below base of cork (1) Above 2 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 88
2 Apr 2001
Auction house:
'Ashurst, Kent'
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