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Auction archive: Lot number 161

Elena König Scavini (Italian, 1886-1974) for Lenci

Price realised:
ca. US$8,263
Auction archive: Lot number 161

Elena König Scavini (Italian, 1886-1974) for Lenci

Price realised:
ca. US$8,263

'Nudino Disteso': An Earthenware Figure, circa 1930s satin polychrome, handpainted, and modelled as a reclined young red headed nude female with her knees pulled back and resting her head on two patterned pillows 43.5cm long, painted marks 'Lenci/TORINO/ITALY' and decorator's initials 'CH', and signed 'Elena Scavini' in the mould

Auction archive: Lot number 161
11 Aug 2020
Auction house:
Bonhams London

'Nudino Disteso': An Earthenware Figure, circa 1930s satin polychrome, handpainted, and modelled as a reclined young red headed nude female with her knees pulled back and resting her head on two patterned pillows 43.5cm long, painted marks 'Lenci/TORINO/ITALY' and decorator's initials 'CH', and signed 'Elena Scavini' in the mould

Auction archive: Lot number 161
11 Aug 2020
Auction house:
Bonhams London
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